Edmonton Qurbani Distribution 
5,000 people a month – 1,800 families – use IslamicFamily's food bank. The vast majority of clients make the extra effort to use our food bank because of halal meat. Your choice to distribute your Eid Qurbani locally supports our community and helps fulfill the obligation we have to those in our own city. 
About the Process
IslamicFamily will accept orders until June 25, 2023. On Eid day, a lamb will be sacrificed in your name, and shipped to IslamicFamily's Hub for distribution to Muslim families in Edmonton. This year, all Qurbani orders will be facilitated through our partnership with WestGate Halal in Edmonton, who will be involved in the full process, including packaging and delivering the Qurbani for distribution. 

The cost per full organic lamb including transportation and butchering, is $378. 

Spread The Joy of Eid With Those in Need in Our Community 

Eid Qurbani 2023

I Have A Question...

  • Can I visit the farm when my animal is being slaughtered?

    We are working with a local halal butcher in Edmonton to make Qurbani orders possible. Unfortunatly, visitation  is not possible.

  • Why is there an order deadline?

    In order to allow sufficient time for to recieve the orders and prepare for the Qurbani/Udhiya to take place, we require all orders to be made no later than the deadline provided.

  • How is the price determined?

    Price for sheep/lamb is determined by KG. IslamicFamily has unique relationships with various vendors and butchers in Edmonton to faciliate a more affordable Qurbani process for all. 

  • How much does each animal weigh?

    On average each sheep yields 30+kg (66+ lbs) of usable meat.

  • Why should I donate Qurbani through IFSSA?

    More than 1800 families use IslamicFamily's food bank every month. Your donation will go towards supporting Muslim families in need in our very own backyard. 

  • Do I receive a portion of Qurbani from my donation?

    The full sheep from your Qurbani will be given to families in need in Edmonton. 

  • Can I dedicate a Qurbani?

    Yes! When you reach the donation portal, please click "Dedicate This Donation" and you will be promoted to leave a name. You can also include more names by clicking on the "Comments" section in the donotion portal. 

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